Distortion when large 16g rectangles

i am getting some distortion on some 46.5"x11.5"x16g rectangles. I have a feeling it is the material moving a bit from the heat causing the distortion. I will try weighting them down in the future and making sure my z axis will clear the weight. just looking to see if anyone else has experienced this. it is about 1/8" of movement. in and out. thanks.

I have seen long thin pieces move a lot. Just put tabs in your design. Doesn’t take long to cut them out and clean them up.


that is a very good idea. thank you for that.

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Are you watching the cut and seeing the material move or just seeing a wave in your cut on completion?

My x axis (on my pro) has a spot that is off my about .06. Any long straight cut at a certain part of the table will have a 4 inch area that isn’t straight. I don’t think the design of the xr is susceptible to that flaw in my pro though.

With the dimensions you gave I’d be surprised to see the workpiece moving on 16 gauge. I only see movement when I’m cutting 1-2 inch strips close together.

I actually cut some 1x 30 strips out of 14 ga that moved significantly. Material like that will walk. Then the other day I cut a 36 inch circle out of 14 ga. It moved at least 1/8 inch. Thin material will move without tabs.


I like your tab idea Phillip. Good to be reminded of these simple things.

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