Dimensions not matching


First off, I am very new to all this CNC stuff and I have to say wow, the team at Langmuir Systems nailed it when it comes to instructions!

Now my question. I cut a test piece to check tolerances, a 1" OD and 0.4" ID washer. The actual dimensions we’re roughly 0.960" x 0.423". I have double checked the Kerf matches Hypertherm’s listing by cutting a straight line and measuring it. I must have something set wrong, does anyone know where to look?

Thanks in advance,

Can you measure the ID of the hole in the plate (the one corresponding to the .960 dimension)

You may be doing an inner cut when you need an outer cut. 0.04 would be right in the ballpark for that kerf

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I will go out and check shortly and get back to you.

Thanks guys

Ok to follow up. I checked the plate OD and it was too big as well… I’m an idiot and found the issue. Somehow my calculation in advertently was changed from “In Computer” so there was no offset being taken into account. I changed it and it was within .010" so i adjusted the kerf width very slightly and now it seems to be cutting as accurate as I’d expect a plasma to, about -/+ 0.004" on a 2" circle.

Thanks again, Dan

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