Derale 13300 tube and fin cooler mounting bracket

I ment to get that one but accidentally bought the my current one chich is a 6an instead of an 8

I asked for curiosity sake I wasn’t trying to poke the bear.

The reason I asked I thought it was a good idea myself to install a after cooler there as well. I did then we had a discussion in another thread and I began to second guess my decision.

@tonypart117 I dont want to derail your thread. I found out in my case it was putting excessive about of back pressure on the compressor. I have seen one lose a compressor to this I believe.


My transmission cooler is hooked up between the compressor and the tank. It ran from January 2022 until April of 2024 before the outlet tube cracked. I haven’t had any issues, other than the cracked outlet tube.

I don’t run my table a lot, so it never gets more than 3 cycles when I’m cutting. It does get a lot more with from sand blasting, though.

I discovered the cracked tube, because my cycle times got much longer. I heard air leaking and thought it was one of the compression fittings. I tried to tighten the fitting and the whole tube broke off the cooler.


I like your bracket.

Following up with was Andy was saying:
When I was doing my testing and theoretical exercise of following the path of air flow and potential for condensation dropping out along the way, this is the only way to orient the transmission cooler so that there is never the chance of moisture collecting in it. This applies to whether it is before or after the tank:


Yeah im going to have to angle mine like that or close. Im also trying to keep it compact because i dont have much space at all right now. Also one of the reasons why i didnt want to mount it on the wall either is so it can still be moved around easily. At least until i can afford more space and a permanent setup one day.

Sure you do! Here is where I went with my stuff.:crazy_face:


Definitely a fine example of vibration isolation! The compressor could literally blow up and it won’t disturb the cooler. Further, the blue Pex serves as a ultra low frequency antenna used to communicate with Submarines passing through Puget Sound… Very clever arrangement.


I have to agree with @TomWS. That system, though functional, was built by someone without anything else to do and a lot of spare crap lying around.
Mrs. Jimmy is probably still looking for that fan now for a year or so.


I uploaded a video going over my system and the bracket i made. Here it is sorry im still not comfortable talking to a camera so its not great.

Thats a lot of pex :joy:

Yes :rofl:. My goal was to fit the entire 100 foot coil on the rack I made. I kept going thru the pi*d formula to get the length of tubing would be required. I put two extra holes in my rack (all 4 vertical supports) in case my calculations were off.

I have talked about this on other threads so I don’t want to fill everyone’s topics up with my stuff. I just wanted to say: “Think outside of the box.”

Edit: In response to a comment on your video: “Don’t know if I could upload a Fusion file…”
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Thanks ill try to upload it as soon as it lets me :saluting_face:. I figured you stuck the entire roll of pex on the rack :joy:. Does it work well? I havent seen many people use pex to cool the air like this, usually just to route air throughout a shop.

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I have a minimum of 5 water traps, a dessicant filter and various other filters and that length of tubing and the transmission cooler with a 20 inch fan blowing on it (before it gets to the refrigerated dryer).

Lets just say, I don’t have a moisture issue. Not sure what to point at for the success but I didn’t want to do it again. I threw the kitchen sink at it as BigDaddy basically said.


Another note is it is a very good idea to add a coalescing filter after the heat exchanger.


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Normally they are included on a generic air filtering pack like this.


Ah, of course!