Cutting problems

it’s not a common thing to do really. are you in windows 10? Fusion 360 Tutorial: CAM 5 - Post Processing helped me figure out my problem but I had the mach 3 fusion post in the wrong folder

flying monkey.dxf (354.7 KB)

all my other things work just fine. This file I tried to auto convert an image from Gimp. everything went smooth as butter…until it didn’t.

Right-click on the file in Windows Explorer and pick Rename. You can also hit F2 if you’ve got the file highlighted. Then just arrow over to the . before DXF and hit the delete key 4 times. It will eat the .DXF and leave you with .tap as the file extension.

I don’t know why Langmuir didn’t enable .tap file extensions in uploads.

Already uploaded Jim, see above. Yes it seems odd a file extension we all use and not able to upload.

I ran that flying money file on my machine and it ran fine (didnt cut it though) and looked ok on the screen. Not sure what else to try

Weird…I don’t know…I mean you see the toolpath mine does

Whe you set up your tool did you miss a decimal? That circle looks like a tool. If your tool is somehow 25.4" (25.4 is the millimeters in 1 inch) in diameter it could that

I’ll check when I get home

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Where would I check that? Lol in the 2d profile?

I don’t think so…it actually travels in that circle. And if you look close it does a few laps. But at this point I’ll check anything. Must be a setting in my Mach3 don’t you think? Since it works on your end. I don’t even know where to begin