Cutting from the front or the top view

Hi, does it matter if you cut with the Z,X axis (front view) rather than the top view of Y,X axis. I have downloaded a dfx file and when i bring it into fusion it opens in the front view with the Z axis running up the left hand side, do i need to change this or is it Ok or how do i change the view to the X,Y.

Top or front isn’t so important, but like just knowing what orientation it’s in (in relation to X, Y, Z axis)

If it’s on the wrong plane, just change it

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When cutting yes it would matter. When designing it does not really matter. Your design origin point and your work origin point (or your stock box point origin) are two different points in space. One is selected in the design workspace and the other is selected under setup in the manufacturer workspace.

Start a sketch in the XY plane then use the insert DXF tool , now your design sketch will be in the same plane relative to your table.

As long as when you create your setup in manufacturing and you align your stock box point origin of your workplace coordinates to how that material is actually going to sit on your table in reality.


Awesome, thanks for your help, all sorted and understood as well. :slight_smile:

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