Cuts smaller than kerf width Spiderman logo

First off if this should be under tutorials or somewhere else for that matter please move it, I am trying to keep organized.

I have a Spiderman man logo that has a cut that the is .054 wide and my kerf width is .055.
How would you Fix this?

Here is a spot that looks like its not going to cut and I cant seem to measure that one and have no idea why.

I also think some entry points are in bad places, like in tight corners. Do you agree?

As always thanks to everyone for all your help.
Spiderman.f3d (1.8 MB)

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I just drew a line across and measured the line.


I am not sure if I tired that or not. Sometimes I can get fusion to what I want and other time it just fights me.
Ok so that tells me it should pick that up but its not. I checked and it shows its selected.
I need to go in and see if I can find the problem. dont tell me yet

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I just copied a shape from the opposite side of the mask and dropped it in place. There was also a spot near the center of the mask that was real tight. I opened it up a bit.
Spiderman Facemask.dxf (1.2 MB)

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I make these kind of adjustments in Affinity a few different ways.

For checking clearance on tight drawings, I set the stroke of the vector to the kerf width and then pull nodes until it’s able to be cut.

To thicken, I add a stroke then expand it and add it back to the design.


Ok so I thought I could figure this out, but I am stuck.

In the 2nd snip I see one profile that is not going to cut. I thought it was a open line but I cant find it. I have zoomed in and in the very bottom it looks funny to me but not sure. Also when I select that profile it shows up like all the rest. I am lost as to how to troubleshoot this.
Maybe its not a open line?

I’m home again with my sick kids so I can take a look at it in a minute.

starting at 9:20 am mst