Cut quality issues

I’m having a couple issues I am trying to resolve with cut quality: 16 ga 25ish Amps @120ipm this is a slight cutting angle, straight cuts seem to be ok though

Second is the lead in cut, I have it at .2 in @45 degree angle and it keeps cutting into the item being cut
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Are you using a lead out? The divot on the part is typically caused by insufficient lead out. It’s typically challenging to get rid of completely (especially on material as thin as 16ga).

As far as the ripple effect, I would check the motor coupler set screws. Beyond that I would make sure you have clean dry air and a good nozzle.

These are called lag lines and are due to the speed of the torch being too fast or too slow. Which one is determined by the direction the lines tilt relative to the direction of the torch travel.

Which way are those going?

How should we distinguish between ripples caused by motor coupler set screw tightness vs lag lines? The post’s top picture looks like lag lines but the bottom pic they’re much more pronounced looking and seem to be more of a ripple.

I’m putting together a cheat sheet for common plasma cut problems that I’ll post when I’m done with it to provide a bit more troubleshooting help for folks.


120 ipm seems high to me for 16 ga at 25 amps. That would explain the diagonal lag lines. I would try slowing down to 75-80 ipm and see if that improves you cut quality and post another picture.

I would def check the coupler set screws. I check mine every time I use machine.
I would def slow that speed down and I bet it would solve alot of that jaggy cut.

the divot I seem to get very random divots. On say a nest I created, some stuff will have more divot than others. Esp on thicker material. Its becoming a new problem I have to find some time to get on figuring out.
though I have always programmed it with no lead out and 90 deg lead in.

Do you still have this problem with new consumables?

Thank you for all the replys! I will check to make sure everything is tight, I’ll also run a test later at a slower speed to see if that will help. My air is mostly dry but I did realize my inline desiccant needs replaced, but as far as consumables I need to pick some up… I will post later and see if I can fix that issue I had.

I have the divot problem even with new consumables. This happens on 16 ga. My lead in is 60 and lead out zero. It happens randomly. Has anyone dug up any more information about this problem?

The divot is exacerbated when a lead out is not used.

So made sure the consumables are good, slowed down the speed to 80 ipm @ 30amps on 14 GA steel. Cuts came out much better by slowing it down and making sure the air was dry and clean! I think it was just too high of travel speed for my projects. Thanks for the suggestions and help everyone!


That looks great! Nice job