After having some severe bevel/angle in our first test cuts (/ /), we following the instructions here:
That helped with the / / bevel, but problems still persist. We see odd corners (slight point and never on the same edge of the piece), serrated edge on one side, sloppy cuts (internal curves are a mess for example on the bottle opener they have you make in the tutorial). I have attached pics to highlight the issues. Any advice appreciated…just wasting flat stock at this point - thx.
travel speed too fast shows up as those angled serrations on the side and increased dross on the top. Too Slow Travel speed shows up in a wide kurf with c shaped scallops and increased dross on the bottom. Loose set screws show up as asymmetry on round or square holes openings etc. This is based on my own usage and screwing around with my system. (your mileage may vary)