Crossfire XR IHS Error won't clear

Hey everyone so I’m completely new here. I just got my XR and went to do my first cut a file from the file share and I got an IHS fail. The IHS light is ALWAYS on on the bottom of my Firecontrol screen. I checked the red and black wires they are connected. I checked continuity at the wires and it says the circuit is closed. I even check continuity at the plug right before it goes into the control box and it says the circuit is closed there. I tried running a new file to cut and the same thing. What am I missing?

I have a new Hypertherm 45 xp and the THC is not setup yet.

also I have updated Firecontrol to the newest version.

Look at IHS switch on Z axis lead screw and see if the tang is pushed into the Screw if it is carefully bending tang from it. Check to see that the Z axis can travel up/down freely by hand a few thousandths up/down.

It’s showing with a multimeter that the circuit is closed

Is the tang pushed into lead screw on Z axis? And does Z axis have free movement up/down if not the switch is closed and IHS wont work.

No the brass thingy is not touching the Z axis. Yes it moves freely up/down. If I manually lift the contacts up the circuit is open. When it comes back down it closes. Verified with multimeter.

Your wires and switch are good then according to your multi meter test.Check that you have enough torch slack, if not enough slack it will cause IHS fail. Need a good loop in torch cable . As seen in mine

I even tried taking the torch off and with the torch off the green light is still on in FireControl.

If lite is on, then switch is grounded to something or wires shorting to something. Does lite go off /on when lifting up/down by hand?

even with the torch off it’s still on

Could it be something inside the control box?

I don’t want to void my warranty on the second day by opening it.

When I lift the torch holder off the switch it loses continuity, but comes back as soon as i set it back down.

What do you mean if torch is off, Plasma machine turned off? Makes no difference If plasma on/off for IHS regardless… If IHS lite stays on when Moving Z axis up/down by hand, then either switch is grounding to something or one of wires are pinched or shorting to something between Z axis to control box. If all wires are good and switch isn’t grounding to Z axis or lead screw, then could be possible that problem inside control box.

Torch is off the machine. Yes light stays on no matter what I do. Even lifting it by hand and setting it back down. All wires are good to the control box.

I posted on your Facebook post, but I’ll add it here as well. Open the control box and make sure the wires are connected on the back side of the port and back to the board. It shouldn’t void your warranty, since those of us with smaller tables have to open it to install the THC board.

so is it this?

or this?

In this case, it seems that both are true.

He tested the switch and wire back to the control box and everything works correctly, but the IHS light remains on. This seems to indicate that the loss of continuity is inside the control box.

Ok now I see. You see things very clearly that in my mind are very cloudy! :rofl: :rofl:

I will say it again you are a troubleshooting God.
Not sure what you do or did for a living but if it was troubleshooting somebody was dam lucky to have you!

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I got it fixed… plugs were backwards from the factory for IHS and THC. swapped plugs works perfect!