Crossfire pro break in error

What if I have DXF files
Created already
My detailer makes all my files

You have to use fusion 360 or sheetcam to create codes for those files. It’s just the standard procedure.


FireControl only follows machine language (g-code).
It tells the machine:

  1. where the torch needs to cut,
  2. in what order,
  3. what direction and side of the line (inside, outside or right on the line).
  4. It tells the torch what height to be and then tells the plasma cutter to turn on the torch and move to cutting height.
  5. It gives coordinates to the machine, direction of cut and how long (primarily math).
  6. Then it tells the torch to turn off and move to the next contour.
  7. All of this is actually in text form. It is not a graphic/image at all.

A CAD file such as DXF has NONE of that data.

And FireControl, (basically) needs the gcode to come from this source:


Then this machine is just a waste of money and my time
All my other machines did not need all these providers

Could you provide make and model of machine that don’t need additional providers


Nope, you just have no idea what you’re doing and apparently no desire to learn.

If you had spent 10 minutes on google and the Langmuir site you would have known what was required before you bought the table.

That being said, we’re happy to help you learn should you choose to. Read the basics, come back for clarification if needed and we will get you going.

Otherwise, sell the table and don’t clog the forum with BS.


Very diplomatic @brownfox. Those are my sentiments exactly.


I’ll throw the lifeline here. If you choose to use it is up to you…

A DXF (or SVG) will provide the 2D pattern that you want to cut. What it will not provide is information based on your torch /material. You will be required to process (post-process) your data to add these variables.

For FireControl, you have 2 current options - Fusion or SheetCam. Both will open DXF’s with no problem, and will generate g-code, once tools are setup.

As far as cutting DXF’s with no plasma cutter settings - can’t happen. You must process your cut files based on your equipment. (I can’t, others can’t, only you can.)

If you require assistance setting up SheetCam / Fusion, ask. There are many knowledgeable people here with tons of experience. They may answer or direct to a posted thread.

If you don’t wish assistance, best of luck.


Thank you for your words of wisdom

I got the sheet cam
I could open the files
Now I need to set tools and tool part
And see what happens

Thanks everyone


Nice job! What cutter are you running? We can help with some basic settings.

I’m glad you went with sheetcam. As long as your files are designed correctly, you can post process in seconds. I rarely have to select my offsets or make adjustments.


Hypertherm powermax45xp plasma

Boom, easy street. Just set up everything with book specs for speed and amps. Your pierce delay will need to be at least .5 on everything. So basically add .4 to all pierce delays in the book specs.

Once you set up your tools you can fine tune with the adjustments in firecontrol and then change your sheetcam tools accordingly.

You’ll need some rules to slow down on holes on corners, I’ll see if I can upload my rule set and you can just plug them into your sheetcam.

You paid for the sheetcam license right?


Yes I payed for it

I’m not shore if I’m gonna get Time to work on this today
I’m not at the shop
I have my computer with me
If I get time home tonight I will try to set up tool on sheetcsm

Here’s a toolset, and rule set. You can import them into sheetcam. I’ve also shared my job template file that I use every time I start a new item to post process. You will have to remove the .dxf from the end of the file names for them to work. Install the tools and rules into sheetcam first then try opening the job template file. It might import all the settings, other than the post processor I believe. Not sure.

Job Template.job.dxf (5.8 KB) (3.9 KB)
Holes and Inside Corners.rule.dxf (453 Bytes)


I might grab those as well. You never know, sometime I might try SheetCAM again.

Thank you BrownFox!

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Thank you buddy
I’ll try them as soon as I get a chance

i dont know why i cannot import them onto sheet cam

Did you save them and remove the .dxf extension?