Crossfire Mach3 Fusion creats a TAP file, PRO Firecontrol fusion. its creating a NC file

Just currious if this is just the way it is or did I do something wrong to make it a NC instead of a TAP. Im so used to the TAP files I thought I better ask. Thanks in advance.

I believe that you can change the extension of the file produced.
Look in the fusion post processor for a line like this:

extension = “nc”;

if you change that to:

extension = “tap”;

you will most likely change the extension of your output file to tap.

I have not tried it, but it seems likely that will do it.
There is really no difference between the files, it is just the extension for the file.

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When I seen the NC I thought I messed up the process. Jamesdhatch explained its still a gcode regardless of the name. It dont bother me if its right for the Pro. I ran it in NCViewer a bit ago and it looks like its ok. . May be better to have all the Pro files as NC and the XL TAP files. Wont get them mixed up that way. Thank you for your time . And i will look into what your saying next time on ConFusion.

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That’s a good idea for those of us with both machines still in operation. Nice.


I am having trouble with the Firecontrol V 1.6 producing the correct G-code format. I am getting a NC file vs the TAP file that firecontrol is asking. I 've tried renaming the file to have the TAP extension but to no avail. Why does the postprocessor return a *.NC file when it is the one Langmuir tells to use it for the Crossfire XR??? Bu the way I get the Message that the file that I am trying to load is a MACH 3 file and will not load the file.

Firecontrol can use either .tap or .nc files. The file type is not your issue. Something is wrong with your CAM settings in Fusion.