Crashing after Limit Switch Install on Home

Been following on the directions to a tee after installing the limit switches, ensuring I have 21.1.5 Fire Control and 1.3 Firmware. Pressed the reset defaults button. Upon homing the machine crashes in both directions making a horrible noises. Seemed fine running 20.6 on 1.2 with no switches. Was this a complete waste of time and money?

No, the directions are not real good on this. I had the same thing happen, Operator error.

Start on page 18 of the instructions.

Home for the system is in the far back and to the left. If the DRO readings on the screen (upper right) do not read zero when you home the machine, click the ZERO AXIS button, then continue to the next step.

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Thank you. I figured out: 1) My machine is the smaller unit (wrong troubleshooting forum) 2) the Y-axis limit switch needed a significant adjustment, X was fine AND 3) Finally clicked as to how the switches are intended to work. The frustrating part was figuring out the need to shut down and re-start the application to clear the one switch error (X-axis) by quickly disabling the limit switch option to manually jog off the engaged switch.
One thing that compounded issues that I have not resolved is why the application lags between jog and idle status. The jog feature has a significant response delay. I’ll hunt to see if not already covered already.
Thanks again, the operator error remark kept me persistent to resolve.

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With the table powered down, you can manually turn the lead screws to get the carriage off the limit switch. I have to do that upon occasion.

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Disable them and start cutting metal. They are almost useless. Trust me, you will save a lot of headaches and unnecessary typing.

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They have some quirks, such as accidentally triggering them and clearing errors and losing a little bit of cut space.

But, they have the potential to save a huge nest of parts on an error where you lose your 0, and prevent you from starting a program that won’t fit in the table.

Like anything with this table and plasma cutting, it takes patience and experience to make the most out of it.


Bah humbug.:grimacing:

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Following up on what IS a common issue, I uninstalled FireControl, removed the folder under Windows users, rebooted the system, re-installed FireControl (old video card: 21.1.5) and the communication delay is gone. So far, she’s working like a charm now; even remembered the soft stops and work home position. I suppose those values are written to the Langmuir hardware (controller)?
Thanks again.


Brownfox, you know that BigDaddy is bound my his status as President and founder of the “I Hate Limit Switches” association to come out strongly against them. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


@Bigdaddy2166 is to limit switches as I am to @toolboy ’s bevel picture