Contact Langmuir about damaged part

So I got all my parts in - I unboxed everything and all looked good - other than i did see a dent in one of the legs. Not a big deal. I went with it. But when I got to the X- cross tube their is a small dent on the corner of the tube. I was going to use it and hoped the Z carriage bearing did not ride on that part - well they did - Now I need a new one. After 20 minuets of trying to find a phone number for them - I cant find one anywhere. Can some one please help my on how to get them on the phone. I want a live body not some one sitting in India on a computer lol lol

@langmuir-reilly @langmuir-aksel @langmuirsystems

I believe they only offer phone support with the XR but they’re very good about getting parts out to you.

Under support on the main there is a questionnaire you can send in. they were closed over the weekend but they’ll start going through there calls sometime this morning.

I tagged a few of them in here, they might be able to offer you some more specific instructions. I think they may need a photograph of the damage.


Open a ticket with support as TinWhisperer suggested. I initiated my ticket on a Saturday night and they responded and shipped the part Monday. They will take care of you.


Hey Shawn,

Glad we could get this sorted out with you via email, I’ll make sure your X-axis Gantry Tube is shipped today.

Rest assured that all of our support technicians for the CrossFire & CrossFire PRO are available via email M-F 9-5 PST, and are located at our facility in Lakeside, California. We offer support via email because we help so many people on a daily basis - if we offered support over the phone, most people would be waiting on hold for hours, which is not the experience we want anybody to have. Offering support over email helps us efficiently & effectively help everyone in a timely manner, and has the added benefit of being able to send and receive photos.

Thanks for understanding!


Well all I have to say is Langmuir is the best - I let them know Sunday night about the problem and instantly Monday morning they sent right out a new gantry tube - outstanding service