Connecting crossfire pro to everlast 62i

My wife is no support on this. I asked her if she had ever heard the term “Roll Tide?” She smiles and nods her head and said “I have only known it for a few years, if that helps.”

That’s it. I am getting rid of all my 8-track tapes and the rotary phone that I have coveted. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: :thinking: :sweat_smile:

Yes, thank you Big Daddy for bringing this back to the real conversation!


Jim, I bought a new sander yesterday. I’ll let you know if you need one. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I wouldn’t go that far…

Don’t worry, the other day some of my coworkers accused me of having not watched any television or movies in the last 20 years.

And I agree with bigdaddy… a new tool would definitely help! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I would go back to those days in a minute-old pal. I try to explain to these kids how good life was back then. They just squint at me and look at me like I’m crazy. Well, maybe a little. :crazy_face:

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Sorry for derailing this topic. :tired_face:

Damn boys! This is going to be a fun forum. Since Jim is getting rid of the eight tracks and the phone I’ll get rid of the v h s and beta tapes And then I’ll send my walker to Joe Biden So he has something to support himself so he stops falling. Wisconsin badgers Green Bay Packers and Pepsi for this boy. 1/4 3/8 1/2 and some 3/4.
Thanks TinWhisperer I also checked out your YouTube.
For CAD.


It looks like you picked an appropriate powered machine for this range:

@Bigdaddy2166 Have you ever tried to re-cut something like 1/2" that was cut badly and the cut fused back together or failed to cut all the way thru? Just asking for a friend!

Extreme caution when cutting 1/2 and above. Depending on the size of the part.
The slow travel speed will accelerate the showing of the dreaded duty cycle trip.

Been there and got the tee shirt. My 82i
Will run for hours at 60amps. If I try to run 70 or 80 for over more than a few minutes.
There will be a 3/4 inch piece of scrap. Just keep that in mind. A 60i will do the same thing a 60 amps or so.


This was when I (…um, my friend) was experimenting with a generic nozzle and shield. Plus, the equipment lead was clamped to a rusty surface.

'He" :roll_eyes: changed back to the OEM consumables and cleaned the surface and the cuts were pure as the driven snow.

My oh my was that above cut spitting sparks. They were going about 20 feet…so I have been told. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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You mean like this

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I see you were trying out air-coolant in your water bed!!! Is that a reflection or did you cut thru the pan?

Yes I got excellent cut after the change:

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Sometimes, I forget to turn off my table fill pump.

I have done that. I keep an 11 ga piece of ss under that table section.

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I will take everything into consideration. I was gonna do the 82.
Now I’m kicking myself. I will use caution with the 62 when cutting something thick. What are you guys using for air dryer setup.

I have a refrigerated dryer and a desiccant filter just before the plasma cutter.

Same as BigDaddy but for the first year I basically only had water filter/traps (that never caught anything) but I routinely emptied the air compressor tank. I have a Hypertherm and have been told that it is slightly more forgiving about air quality and damage to consumables. You might not be so lucky with the Everlast.

I have also added a cooling loop (100 feet) of PEX tubing with a transmission cooler to pre-cool the air before it gets to my refrigerated dryer.

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Thanks I’m going to add a few desiccant filters larger ones.
Watch for a deal on a refrigerated air dryer

Many of us have the one from Harbor Freight and it never goes on sale and is no longer carried in stores. I think that is so you can’t use a coupon on it. I see that even online it is “not available.”

I guess you should “never” say “never”. Here is an ad back in 2020…you remember 2020?
So I guess it is possible!?!? :man_shrugging:

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Thanks Jim. How do you guys load pictures?