Computer requirements to run Mach3 and fusion 360

I am interested in finding out what the minimum requirements are to run Mach 3 and fusion 360. I have a surface pro tablet and would like to find out if i can use that to at least run the table.

The minimum computer requirements are a Windows computer with 64 bit operating system, 3GB RAM, 512 MB memory card, 1 free USB port, and 2.5 GB free disk space. Running it from a tablet will not work.

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the reason i ask about the surface pro is because its a computer that looks like a tablet. mine has 4gb ram, 128bg storage 3 usb ports,64bit windows 10.

You CAN run it from the surface pro, but Fusion 360 will be VERY sluggish. You also need to take into account you processor type and speed. Intel and AMD will process more efficiently than an “M” or Celeron processor. MACH3 would run just fine though since that software while powerful it is still fairly basic. 360 has a lot of operations that run in the background that are resource hungry. This goes with any CAD program that you are going to use though. Then there is the graphics requirements that go along with rendering a CAD drawing… it may not be necessary for the majority of things you will draw on your table, but there is no way to strip options away from the software.


I believe fusion360 is doing beta testing that is web based. So hopefully that clears out a lot of the fluff in the background.

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thanks for the reply’s everyone! I have my shop computer and will be using fusion 360 on that for designing. the surface will just be for operating the cnc. if in the end it doesn’t work, at least i tried it and can report back with any findings later.

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The surface will be fine for mach3. Hell a $40 raspberry pi has enough processing power to run mach3.
What you can do with the surface is use Remote Desktop to the fusion360 laptop for quick designs.
I have mach3 on a intel atom netbook for my mini cnc mill. Works fine.

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My bet is you’ll be fine. My Surface Pro has an Intel i7 Core processor. It’s a real PC. Even the low-end Pro had an i5 Core processor.

The Surface isn’t a Celeron. Although the new basic version they’re releasing will have a different mobile processor.

Is that 3gb total for the laptop? What is the 512 memory card? Even the computer guys at best buy didn’t know. Thanks again

On a tablet-ish Windows machine that’s likely the expansion SD card for storing project files for Mach 3 to use to drive the cutter controller. If you’ve got a decent new laptop you’re likely to have a 500MB disk or more so not likely to need the SD card unless you do design and post on one machine and then bring the post files to another one hooked to the Crossfire.