Caster wheel fell off

A few people (handful out of thousands) reported that problem a month or so ago and Langmuir sent out the new instructions on how to seat the threaded insert so that doesn’t happen. No one who followed those instructions has reported the caster problem.

Did you do the new seating process & had a caster come out? If you did you definitely want to send Support an email so they know it’s still happening and can take another look at a fix.

BTW, if you do decide to use the demo version of Mach3, you will only be able to do simple objects like circles & rectangles. Anything complex or signs with lettering, etc will take thousands of lines of G-Code.

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I just had one of my casters fall out the other day as well. Fortunately, my water table was drained at the time, so no big deal.

I’ll have to try to re-seat the insert (I don’t remember seeing anything about the use of a ball peen hammer in the original instructions, but I could be wrong).

If it happens again, I’ll follow @KX9M 's lead and just weld the suckers in place so it doesn’t happen again…

No. It wasn’t in there. After the first report of the problem they posted the procedure here and updated their instructions.

Could this be the same issue as the hole alignment - where your vendor used 2" material instead of 50mm? I’m concerned about having the same issue on mine once I have it assembled…


I’ll be assembling mine this weekend. Im wondering if i should tack the caster plates onto the tubes even if they do seat properly with a dead blow and ball peen?

I don’t think I’ll even install the castrers/ the floors not very good in the shop and caster would be a hazard if they can break easy. I think the weight capacity of the table will be a lot better too without the casters on

Wouldn’t hurt although there have been no reports of wheel/caster problems when they’ve been seated & peened.

Well mine came with the caster inserts already seated so problem solved!