Can you join 2 files together in fusion?

I have 1 program made of a logo, and another program of a part. I would like to add the logo onto the part but they are obviously 2 different files. Is there a way to upload the logo file onto the part file without exporting the logo file as a svg or dxf to inkscape then back to fusion?

It’s a little confusing but it can be done. You need to take the logo and create a component containing the logo bodies. Then right click on the component and click copy.
Open the Part file (leave the logo file open as well) create an empty component then right click on it and select “Paste New” from the drop down list. You should now be able to place the logo where you want.
This forum post over at the Autodesk support forum does a better job explaining it (pictures!!) than I have .

Pay attention to message 4

Ahhhh thanks man!!! I will try it out