Artsy project for my son's classroom logo - advice needed

Hello, I almost exclusively cut parts with the Crossfire PRO. Now I wanted to cut an artsy project for my son’s classroom and I am not sure how to proceed. This is the logo I would like to cut: any suggestion? The level of detail is probably too much. What would you do? I would probably consider cutting this in some light gauge of steel and then have the kids spray-paint it or similar

What I am thinking is to open it in the InkScape program, and then more or less manually trace the logo to a low-ish level of detail, then export the DXF or whatever format is best suitable and import it in Fusion-360? Or is there a better workflow? I’m really clueless

SVG, don’t make it a DXF.


OK - Is that because Fusion-360 works better with SVG or because Inkscape’s export to DXF is not very good? Thanks!

Oh man, as you said, definitely too much detail. Especially the lower portion of the tree.

I think first thing I would try is just take it to and try converting your file straight to SVG and see what it looks like. The fact there are only two colors in the image you shared is a good thing for the conversion process.


Yeah I tried the online converter and it came out pretty good, I will still have to fix a lot of details to make them “bigger”

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I found that to be very interesting. I took it to to convert the png to svg.

Since you have the original, you will likely get better detail.
I inserted it into Fusion and bridged a few of the letters to the main body and it actually has potential. Should be a nice presentation. Good luck.

For what it is worth, here is the f3d file.
CypressChelan.f3d (2.5 MB)


Wow fantastic! I could almost use that as-is!
The only thing is the top, I would like to have a full arch and some bigger border

How did you do the “bridged a few of the letters to the main body” part?

I just used small arcs of lines to reach down to the bottom and then used the trim tool to delete the segments that I needed gone.

Yes. Definitely something needs to be done with the top. I was just surprised that the tree gave the impression of the original image. I did not touch anything except those letters. Bottom of the y, p, r , e and the first s.
Here is what I did on the “S”

Added arcs:

Deleted what I didn’t want:

That second s should have a bit more support. It is really just barely hanging on.

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I’ll pick it up from where you left it, this is pretty cool thanks!

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That image is far from being ready because there are other elements that require some support/bridging. Just looking at that “S” that I bridged, this highlighted piece is just going to fall out or likely not be cut at all:

This would be one way to deal with that spot. Arcs added:

Line segments trimmed:


By adding another detail you could de-emphasize the blob I created:

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