after using the press brake all day with no issues i went back to use it and now the height for the homing is off by about .5 of an inch. anyone else had any issues with this? i checked all the settings and its like its all out of calibration now.
Once you align your backgauge, you will need to move it to slowly touch off the limit switch for the axis you aligned. You will only trigger one limit switch. Then you will need to go to the back of the machine and adjust the limit switch trigger on the limit switch that has not been triggered so that it also just barely clicks. That way the machine will keep the alignment when it homes.
If you are losing this calibration, there are two things that could be shifting:
- The backgauge finger’s position on its mount. You can keep track of the finger’s position using the ruler on its side.
- The limit switch triggers are shifting somehow. You can make sure those are screwed (or jam-nut fastened) tight.
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