Anyone else having problems since the 20.4 update

Anyone else having issues with software since the 20.4 update? I keep having THC connection issues. My computer will keep dinging sometimes like the USB is being unplugged. Sometimes Ill start cutting and THC wont be working. Torch will get stuck on. Program freezes. Doesnt load files sometimes. Really frustrating. Im afraid to make large cuts.

I’m guessing that this is due to interference from the torch: FIX: Interference From Plasma Cutter Freezing FireControl

I haven’t heard of anyone completing this mod and then having issues with it afterward.


I will try

just did it, hope it helps

nope! first cut program just froze. x, y, and z axis stopped moving program froze with torch on. Just had to shut off plasma cutter. I just want a table that works. Its like jumping through hoops to make this thing work lately

Sounds like it’s your PCs port or the cable itself. Swap cables and ports.

I’ve tried both. Had no issues until the newest update

You can try uninstalling the current version and reinstalling the old. You can dl the old from:

Which will at least allow you to rule out if it’s a software issue.

Also before doing that have you:

  • Do a ‘dry’ run? Plasma cutter off, THC off. Does it complete? Make sure to have sheet on table.
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Any update on this? I am having the same issues. Fire control will go off and on randomly. The board mod made no difference. I have uninstalled the software. Tired of wasting material.

I get that exact message on a routine-ish basis.

Does it just cut off and on randomly? I can open up fire control and it cut off and on multiple times. Have to keep reloading my part. Then it may move to first cut and freeze. When I finally get it to cut may do a few parts fine and then starts all over again. Scrapped a piece of 16 ga stainless yesterday .

Same here, and due to the nature of the crash sending the error report fails.

Does it do that on dry runs as well with the cutter off?

Seems like I get the message when FC has been open during a period in which the computer has been in “Sleep” mode and I later try to load a program to cut. I am also getting arc lost errors to the point that I’ve given up using my THC for now. Also, I get random incidents in which FC will turn gray screen and freeze, both during programs and at rest when I try to jog.

It is causing thc problems with me as well. Get the gray screen issues too. When I first open it and jog it usually takes off on its own. I was convinced my old miller spectrum was some of the problem. I went to a new xp45 with langmuir cable and seems to have gotten worse , atleast zero improvement with fc issues. Cut quality is great with the hypertherm when it works lol