Anyone Else From Santa Cruz, California

I just built a Crossfire Pro.
I would like to meet any one from the San Francisco Bay or Monterey Bay area with a plasma cutter.

Happy cutting,

Iā€™m 35 miles northeast of San Francisco in the delta in Pittsburg CA. I got a notice today that my UPS shipment for box 1 wonā€™t arrive until Monday instead of today. Guess the week-end is mine.

Are you building a Pro?

guysā€¦as I was informed at the start there is a map function in the into area that you can place where you areā€¦it was very helpful for meā€¦

Hey Jim and Agent86, I live in Morgan Hill, working on my Pro. Still need a Plasma unit.
Keith Nelson, and Iā€™m on the map.

I am. Was expecting to start putting it together this week-end but box 1 wonā€™t be here till Monday. Still waiting for electrician to put in my new 200 amp main service panel.

Now Iā€™m on the Map.

Glad to meet you.

Hello Jim.
My name is Ryan. I live in San Jose. I have the CFP coming soon, but unfortunately I am a CNC complete noob. (Itā€™s okay though, Im gonna learn it here soon enoughā€¦)
What is your level of experience? whatcha wanna build? How did you get it past your significant other?


PS. I have the HTP ā€œMicro cut 875c2ā€.


Welcome to the group.
Donā€™t worry about being new to CNC.
Itā€™s just point and cut.
Are you using Fusion 360?
If not I advise looking into it.
Once you have a 3D or 2D model the rest is easy.


Thanks bud.
I started digging into F360, butā€¦then my brain EXPLODED. So, that happenedā€¦
Iā€™m now digging into ā€œInkscapeā€- because I donā€™t have th need to build a BIONIC ARM, and I was hoping that Inkscape would be a touch more ā€œintuitiveā€ (sigh) haha!

But, If you suggest to stick with the F360, then maybe Iā€™ll keep at itā€¦ (?) Are you having good luck with it?


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I have been using it for years, but I do make robot arms so maybe Iā€™m not a good example.
Even if you are only doing 2D (no 3D printing or machining) Fusion 360 is worth the effort because it will generate the g-code you need to give to FireControl to cut.
There are a ton of video tutorials for 360.
I think this is a good place to start:


Okay, THAT video was a truly helpful one! Your push, combined with how easy that gent in the video made it look, helpped me think that I will stick with it. THANK YOU for the nudge in the right direction.

Iā€™ll get back to it now.

Please let us know how you are doing with it.

Hello Jim, Iā€™m not from your area, but Iā€™d be glad to answer some of your questions via a zoom meeting.
Iā€™m in Lakewood CA in LA county and have a original crossfire table.

HI. Iā€™m Joe in Marin County. Thinking of getting a base Crossfire once I pay off a couple other toys in the coming months. Would anyone be willing to let me visit (Fully Vaxed) and print a couple projects to see how my Fusion360 skills are, and we can geek out for a while? I have sheets in the back of my Tundra and Iā€™m sure there is cold beer on the way!

Did someone say ā€˜cold beerā€™? Are you willing to drive to NC?


Sounds like a challenge. :wink: