Anybody make fingers and dies for Swag brake?

I have a project coming up that needs to have two sections bent on either side of a leg that stays straight.

Anybody retrofit the Swag Offroad finger press for dies?


They are small enough that I could probably clamp in a vise and beat with a hammer, but my guess is that I will design more crap like this where I will have a need, but not enough for a Titan.

Looks like a simple job, but I’m trying to understand what you’re asking exactly?

The die is one whole piece of angle iron, unless you buy that flat top.

Edit: Unless you mean punches? There’s a lot of files out there for punches, although some of us just make our own.

I used 1/4" and made gooseneck dies as well as dies with a 30 degree punch. The biggest issues with the Swag Kit is the die is too big so it doesn’t allow for small flanges like the one you show in your picture. You can remedy this by going with their “flat top” style bottom die. As for their punches, they’re really big which will attribute to the large bend radius as well.

Just remember the 8:1 rule where your die opening needs to be at least 8 times larger than the thickness you’re bending.

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Yeah, what ever the bottom is. Mine is the SD not HD, and is all one piece of weak angle.

I think I am going to set up a 2x2 bar in the mill, cut the 90* V down the center, then cut into matching sizes for the fingers, then a new base plate with longer guide bars to keep the new bottom segments lined up.

Also going to get a new one piece made up out of some 3/8" x 2 x 2 angle in addition to the one piece 1 inch base plate. Already bent the channel base on the press.

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Oh man, you have a mill? Why are you posting, you can make your own tooling! :rofl:

Shoot for a punch with a smaller angle though, don’t “match” it up.

You are doing bottom bending, so you’ll want that metal sitting in and being formed within the die.

You’ll benefit from a 30 degree punch, not a 45.


I remade the bottom half of mine to be a bare plate. Then I made an insert that accepts american tooling. Next project is to remake the ram side into one piece that takes american punches.