Anybody else having zoom issues with F360?

When I am designing a model, when I create a feature in scetch (line, rectangle, circle…), or modify the solid (chamfer, fillet, hole) the mouse zoom function no longer works with the scroll wheel until I complete that task.

Frustrating when you have to click and drag .25 inches at a time to move up the 3 inches to the next point.

Using Logitech M570 right now, IIRC it was doing it with my MX ergo, and Keningston mouse (mice).

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Sticks: Mine is working fine this morning. There was a Fusion update this morning. Have you updated it yet?

Next restart. This has been going on for me for the last 3 weeks.

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Have you tried a plug-in mouse yet? How about plugging the mouse into another USB port?

Text Fusion support. They have 24-hour tech support. Be prepared to try to decipher :crazy_face: a thick Indian accent.

Already dealing with a know F360 issue where a bluetooth mouse and F360 will freeze the pointer for 2-15 seconds. Keyboard still works, mouse works in any other window, but frozen in F360. 6 months now and no fix.


I would text tech support. You or it may have turned off or switched something according to your preferences. I avoid the preferences menu unless I know what to click in advance. The TinMan may be awake by now. He has figured crap out for me before. Good luck, my friend.


I just tried and mine is working okay with a USB wireless mouse.

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Bad luck on my part I guess. Might be that F360 tried to fix the freeze problem and killed the scroll wheel.

I have always had some issues with zooming but sometimes if you can keep the mouse right over the spot that you initially started to zoom, it works. Otherwise, it seems to stop. Of course, when you are moving the mouse on one of those arrows (increase/decrease magnitude) you have to move the pointer.

At other times, I can sometimes hold down the scroll wheel and spin it at the same time and I will get the zoom action. I really have not found the complete solution or formula. But, yes…I have the same issue.

Late breaking news…just solved it for me. When it stops zooming, click here and you get the ability back again. I think. Haven’t tested it out completely.

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Fusion 360 will Zoom to the point of reference. So, in your case, having the pointer on a corner of an object the zoom will be in and out to that reference point. If the pointer is pointing out to infinity, there is nothing to zoom, hence no change.


gods. That’s worse than FireControl Whak-A-Mole.

It works, but a bit more frustrating.

Yes, Right!? You are referencing the method of pressing down and scrolling the wheel at the same time? Figured that out during a time of frustration. Sometimes it bales me out, though.

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Some scroll mice have left and right click on the wheel, default to zoom, since I don’t always hit that center straight, it was zooming and panning at the same time so I deactivated that option. FYI - zoom still worked as normal after that.

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Just tried that. Not able to fully deactivate mine (poor/questionable interface with TeckNet mouse and Microsoft mouse software).

But I found another option. Some won’t like it. Change the way Fusion behaves with the mouse movement. Change it to the way “Solidworks” behaves.

3D movement: Middle mouse button (Fusion: [Shift][middle mouse button])

Zoom: scroll wheel or [Shift][middle mouse button][move mouse forward/backward] And of note: this second option works even when the scroll wheel does not seem to work. (Fusion: scroll wheel)

Move image: [CTRL][middle mouse button][move mouse] (Fusion: [middle mouse button])

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