1:1 Arc Voltage Connection

Any advice on connecting the VIM to my Herocut 55i cutter?
It has a 2-prong “Arc Voltage Output” that says “Pin 1+, Pin2-, Ratio 1:1”

I assume that means Pin 1 is +ve, Pin 2 -ve but the divider ratio is 1:1? not 50:1 so assume that means that the outpur is actually a RAW Voltage & not divided?

So what does that mean for me? Not able to use the Arc Voltage Output plug as a “divided voltage” & will have to go with the “Raw Voltage” wiring instructions?


you have answered your own question…

Thanks toolboy. just looking for confirmation that thats what the “1:1” part meant. Before I dove into it. Always good to poll this deep well of expertise.

you are a funny guy…ahahahaha…hear that everyone???..we are a deep well of expertise…
I have been called many things…deep is one…but with the word expertise…never together…hahahaha

lol. Says “Crossfire PRO” right in your handle. Gotta trust someone, sometime…

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only wish that meant other than owning the PRO table…but alas…I am just a moderate noob who spends a lot of time reading and learning…