Has anyone cut 1/2 in?

I am having a hard time dialing in for 1/2 mild steel. I have the razorweld 45. I got the 1.0mm tips for it (drag tips) and the issue is worse with them. I have better results with the .9mm harbor freight tips.

the issue is top slag. to the point that a small part (like a 3 bolt flange) will have the tip destroyed from the molten slag before it gets hung up (hang ups are an issue). the 1.0 is the tip that gets melted. i tried one at .060 and 1/8. the .9mm tip at 1/8 gave me the best results (45 amps for all this. 40 amps wont cut thru completely) but with the .9 it would hang up and then its over at that point.

does anyone have a success story cutting 1/2 in steel? or is this above the razorweld capacity?

What many people don’t realize is that the drag tip is designed to give you a .06 standoff when dragging the tip in metal. So when you use the .06 shim with the drag tip, you are actually setting the torch to a .120 offset which will give you more dross on the top of the metal.

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so should I basically place the tip on the metal? like pretty much drag it across?

Yep. That’s what they were designed to do. They make manual plasma cutting a little more consistent as you don’t need to try to keep it at the correct height.

thanks, Ill try that tomorrow. I figured it was meant for dragging by hand but thought the table needed the space.

can I ask 1 more question- will i pretty much always use the 1/16 shim or when is the 1/8 supposed to be used?

The 1/8" shim is used for high power cuts - 40A or higher.

BTW, if you can, start the cut off the edge of the material instead of a pierce with 1/2" - it can take a bit of time for the pierce to get through and any splashback may damage the tip

I wish i could, but theres lots of holes in the part