Trouble with fusion 360 cut path

having trouble with creating a cut path in fusion 360. disclaimer this is my first table and first time using this software, or any cnc software for that matter. i am starting slow with just simple four bolt flange pattern to familiarize myself. what im having issues with is it only cutting the outside of the part and not the bolt holes. i have watched all the tutorials and thought i was doing it correctly but its obvious im missing something has anyone had this issue or can tell me what it is im missing thanks

Welcome to the forum. If you’re willing to share the design to get help with the CAM setup, you can provide a share link (for read only) to the Fusion design file. Otherwise the Forum rules requires you to post a few times before you can upload a file.

Most likely your holes are too small for your lead in lead out or kerf width. When I do smaller holes I set the lead in/out to the same distance as the kerf width. Gives just enough for fusion to generate the path, but minimal dimple where it pierces.


ok i have went back in through the process and made just a simple 1 inch washer with a .5 hole i have highlighted both inner and outer circle in the 2D/Geometry/Contour selection part. it still doesnt acknowledge the inner circle when the simulation is ran. the lead in is pre set to zero but i have adjusted it all the way to .155 with no change anyone have a suggestion as to where im screwing up

I agree with what @Bill_A stated. Maybe an oversized Kerf Width?

If you could post a f3d file like @TomWS suggested that would be great.

Follow this link on how to go about that.

You may need to comment a few more times before it unlocks the ability to upload for you on this forum.

In the meantime you could PM me or anyone else that file on this forum.

@braggf150 Welcome to the Forum

it will not let me PM you. says that i cannot PM this user.

Damn I guess you’ll have to make a few more comments before it unlocks that ability for you.

Yeah, newbies can’t PM either. Tough to get support fresh on the forum…
@braggf150 post a couple more posts (like in the Introductions category or something) and then you’ll be able upload and PM.

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Try .055 kerf, .06 lead in/out at 60 degrees. Leave the radius at 0.

Or try a bigger washer size like 6"OD and 5"ID. if it works, when make it smaller and smaller until it fails to find the inside. and that dim you will see is in your setup for like a clearance of something.

Happy hunting

Here’s a sample file of a 3" plate with 4 1/4in holes that has a valid cut path. You can compare it with your settings.
Sample plate v1.f3d (101.0 KB)