I just got the table setup and since I’m going to use it for mostly automotive stuff, I tried to cut a couple of tabs download from fireshare. Using 22 gauge so as to not waste material until I get the hang of things. When the torch takes its first pierce cut I cannot seem to get a even hole. What setting do I have that’s off? The body of the tab works okay for now. It appears that the initial and final cuts stay on in the same spot for too long before moving creating a bigger hole or deformed edge as a result.
I think this is because the way your programed the cut in fusion. The arrow in fusion should be on the inside of the hole and on the outside for the part shape. The video explains it. https://youtu.be/jQkCCFjsBWk
Tried it multiple ways. Inside, outside, lead in with lead out, just lead in, after the initial circle is cut, once it reaches the end of the complete circle the torch continues to fire. Its almost as if its attempting to pierce it again. When it sits there it just creates a larger hole. Whereas when it reaches the end of the outer area for the completion of the tab it shuts right off (except for the air).
Also check pierce delay in post process. I had a similar issue because to long of delay.
Tried various options with the pierce delay as well. Even tried it at 0 secs since it’s such thin material. Not sure if they is a way to write in a torch on/off code in between setups. It seems as if I experiencing a pause in between cutting circles and moving on to the next cutting sequence.
Which plasma are you using?
Razorweld 45 straight out of the box from you guys.
Can you post a screenshot of your toolpath? Generally speaking, you should set up your pierce point right in the middle of the hole. Use an arc lead in (same speed as cut speed) and an arc lead out.
One more thing, make sure the torch is set to 2T and not 4T. That could explain the dwell at the end of the cut. If its already set to 2T, can you also post your g code?
It was a direct copy from the Fireshare file. I’ll see what I can do. What time are you usually away from the computer? I may not be able to get that until later on today. Where is the 2T and 4T setting and what is it in relation to? This is for personal use and I’m new to Cad/Cam.
Yes the design file was from Fireshare, but i’d like to see the toolpath that was generated in fusion. That will show the path that the torch will take to cut out the part.
2T and 4T are the two different trigger settings on the Razorcut45. When set to 2T, squeezing the trigger fires the torch and releasing the trigger shuts it off. When set to 4T, squeezing the trigger also fires the torch but the trigger must be released and then squeezed again to shut the torch off. 4T can be useful for extended periods of handcutting to minimize hand fatigue.
You can toggle between 2T and 4T by pressing the button on the front of the plasma cutter that has the up and down arrow symbols adjacent to it. Check out page 9 of the manual for more info: http://www.razorweld.com/userfiles/file/RazorCUT45_Manual%20web.pdf
Thanks I’ll look at the 2T/4T setting and send you the code soon. Thanks.
Looks like your motor coupler set screws may be loose. Can you check those?
Figured the same. Should I really crank down on the set screw? I’m currently readjusting the size of my bracket and will give it another go. What feed rate do you think I should use? 20 gauge steel with a .400" hole to accept a 3/8" bolt. What about the lead in radius? I kinda just copied the setting from the tutorial figuring that the 14ga steel for the architectural plate’s setting would be overkill.
Lead in and lead out for the circle, 2nd profile for outer dimension and it came out great. Thanks.