TiTAN 25T Draft Operating Manual

Hi Everyone, if you’ve seen from our other forum post, we started shipping the first Titan 25T CNC Press Brake machines this morning!! The engineering team has worked extremely hard the past year+ to bring this product to market, and it’s days like today that make it all worth it for us. We can’t wait to finally get these machines into customers hands and we truly do believe the juice will be worth the squeeze for those that were patient enough to wait!

We know that folks have been eager to get more information about this machine, and in the next few days we will be populating our website with all of the various assembly and operating guides. Normally we don’t do this, but I wanted to also post a draft of our Titan 25T Operating Manual here for deposit customers to read through and get a better sense of how the machine runs and what it can do. We also have many more instructional videos that will be released to supplement the guides and Operating Manual, so stay tuned!