Southern Minnesota

I am located in Medford MN about 50 miles south on Minneapolis. Started as a tool and die machinst just a little over a year ago with no formal training. Took online class at work, then off to the shop to learn from a bunch of great machinist which most have 35+ years experience. Have a Millrite mill and a Precision Mathews 12x36 lathe. Ordered a MR 1, like the idea of building things, pretty cool to what you can make out of a solid block. Prior I had a woodshop . Always willing to listen and learn.


Welcome to the group!

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Hi from Faribault MN. Glad you are onboard ! This is a great site and you can always get help when needed. I am still learning the plasma basics but getting along ok.

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Every time I use my Langmuir table I say to myself “you just made that!” It is a great feeling and 2 years ago, I never imagined this world was this close to me touching. I envy what you will be able to do with that mill.