ProNest and FireControl conflict

Is anyone using pronest with Firecontrol?

I am running into a situation where when pronest processes the file it generates loops for tight inside corners. These loops cut INTO the finished piece.

I’ve found that it only does it if I have pre-kerf selected in the machine settings section of the software. That option is not checked by default. The problem is, without it checked, FireControl won’t accept the program. It tells me that the kerf must be software set, not machine set.

Here’s an example… you can see at the end of most of the thin lines there’s a “teardrop” effect where the torch goes beyond the cut corner, makes a loop then comes back in.

Sheetcam doesn’t do that, but is pretty clunky compared to pronest for much of the other stuff I do, so I’d rather stick with pronest.

I’ve talked to hypertherm, and they created a bug report, but it could be months before that’s worked out. I am wondering if there’s a setting I haven’t found to either get rid of looping, or set it up so I don’t have to select pre-kerf to make firecontrol happy.