Moving area to be cut on control board

could somebody please instruct me on how to move the display I want to cut to a more suitable area on the table?
every time I load G code it positions it outside my cutting range. It will bottom out half way through the run.
is there a way to drag the path on the control display within the boundaries?

I feel your pain. Its a learning curve for sure. What I’v been doing so far is. Jog your machine to the center of table and zero out the x and y axis. It should then zero your display. If you have a large cut area, jog your machine to say the farthest axis each way on your program and see if it bottoms out. If you bottom out to the far Y axis by 2" then manually toggle 2" off center of the table in opposite direction, then re zero out the x and y axis.

sounds confusing but from what I’v gathered you have to tell the head where to go and zero it out, then when your program starts it will have a boundary free cut area. I’v yet to get the cut start point in the programming perfectly lined up with the machine. I personally got my x and y axis confused and designed my programs 90 deg off. So my cut starting point is not where it should be. So that being said, you can jog the machine wherever you want, then zero it out. Your program should run fine as long as you have enough room on all four sides.

so try jogging and zeroing those axis out and see if you can get your image to show up in the dialog box.

Thanks, will give it a try

For starters in Mack3 make sure your “Jog Follow” is on it will be green
Then click “Regen Toolpath”

I believe that will redraw the art in correlation to where you artwork and orgin are in relation ship to where Mach3 thinks the torch is.

I you can jog the torch then zero X and Y the I hit refrence home just to the left of the zero x & Y I typicly the zero them once more to when I hit refrence all home everything stays at zero. That spot on the table is now home.

You may also then try regen tool path. You should be able to jog the torch around you are in the display. That will tell you if you are mechanicly in bounds.

Good luck but that should get you closer

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So Im having a similar issue, where the Gcode loaded is way outside the bounds of the machine.

I tried above solutions, but having difficulty making the above actions work because my art is at x60 y20, so Im having to go so far out of bounds that Im worried that Im damaging the motors by running it against the limit for so long.

Any solve to this @langmuirsystems?

It sounds like you are programming without respect to a datum. You need to go back to your cad drawing and translate the geometry to a position relative to x0.0,y0.0. Then repost. The machine works off of absolute cartesian coordinates. So you have to consider where you draw in relation to zero at all times.

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