Lost my Jog movements new machine

Hello Newbie here,
setting up new pro machine lost my jog function was working, also ran break program i get screen on laptop to move but machine will not move. Sorry not the best on computers.

Stupid question. Is the power to the control box on? Did it blow a fuse? The screen will work regardless of the box being powered on.

Welcome to the forum!

I’m surprised that @Bigdaddy2166 didn’t ask you if you have Limit Switches installed. He attributes ALL failures on this equipment to their existence.

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Power switch on I can hit limit switch by hand and see them working on screen, is there a fuse in the control box?

Take off the cover on the control box and make sure the power supply is in the 120v position. It a switch on the side of the actual power supply. It may be in 220 v position. While you are in there check to make sure it’s putting out 36 volts DC .Adobe Acrobat

Turn off the limit switches on Fire control and see if it works.

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