IHS no touch off in dry run

Does IHS touch off with the plate during a dry run?

I believe it does no Z axis movements.


thanks so much! tried an actual run and it didnt make a cut. gotta figure that out now.

So I’ve tried cutting, it will cut for a little bit then stop, with the machine flagging for ground, and or possible pierce height or cut height too high in program. I also noticed it is trying to touch off but doesn’t actually touch the sheet stays just above it then starts cutting. Did the THC test it says everything is within range. Doesn’t it need to physically touch the plate? It managed to cut once piece out then moved to the other part and lost the arc

I would make sure your IHS is functioning properly.

Set your inches per minute to 10 and use the page up and page down key to move your z-axis down and touch off your torch, then back up. While doing this keep your eye on the IHS indicator in fire control and see when it activates.

I’ve also seen inside busy access where one of the IHS wires uses ring connector to attach to a copper plate sometimes becomes loose.

(I’ll try to take a picture of mine or find a picture or maybe someone else can post one in the meantime of the Ring touch the copper plate)

So it’s not actually touching the metal but the ihs is activating like say 3mm before it or so? And it’s acting like it’s maxed out right before it touches it

How is the slack in your cables?

Is it maxed out? If you jog the Z axis all the way down, does the torch touch the metal?

Most times when this happens, it is because the red torch mount is too high in the Z axis carriage.

I have to thank you because if I never checked it, I wouldn’t have found, a chunk of plastic lodged in the z axis stopping it from GOING DOWN ALL THE WAY. Removed, loaded program, cut flawlessly! I was taken back! If it wasn’t for your advice I’d still be scratching my head! Cheers!