Gcode problem with THC

everything worked nice until i add the torch high control, now my programs have a issue with speed or should say the S55 speed control any one have that problem and how to get it work what am i missing

I’m not familiar with ‘S55 speed control’, what is that?

fire control is tell me it needs speed control

Can you provide some more information? I assume you mean the PS value at the end of the program? Are you running the latest Post Processor for your CAM software?

i am use ing sheet cam

do have a program with gcode so i can compare it to what i have see if they match as as far as gcode goes

Are you using the CrossFire PRO post processor for sheetcam that is available on the downloads page of our website? If not, then your programs will not work with the PRO- you must use our post processor.

yes i am thanks for helping

Can you attach your G code file here? I will take a look at it.

For some reason Fire Control thinks every program i have tryed in it think ir is attached to a mill i get the same respones on every program

This file doesn’t look like its been posted with our SheetCAM FireControl V1.5 Post Processor or this file has been edited. Can you confirm?

i want to say thank you i had never down loaded the version for sheet cam but when i did and installed my program it work but the only problem is THC it ramps the torch into the material and stops or goes and comes back for another shot at the material then shuts down i look at the code and it is tell the z axes to g to - 5.00 inch is this right or wrong and at a feed rate 100

does it make a diffrence if the palasm cutter is turned off, would that be a the problem

What you are describing in the Initial Height Sensing sequence that determines the height of the material and then proceeds to cut. It takes two passes (one fast, then one slower) to get an accurate material height then moves Z up to a pierce height, fires the torch, comes down to a cut height, then starts to move.

Are you not seeing the XY motion? Are you seeing an error in FireControl? With the plasma cutter off you will absolutely see an Arc Voltage Lost Error but you may be seeing the IHS error if there is something else wrong.

Being more descriptive of the issues you are having will make it easier for us and everyone here to help!

Going over the guides on our site will also help:


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