Four way die holder

Does your die holders look similiar to these and are they 3" thick or more?

How much is a 6" piece ?

Do you have an adapter that will accept a 2-3/4" 4-way die ? I already have (2) 48" lengths of that size…Huberty

Hi Clevorracing. The current price on our website for each six inch segment is $39.95. Unfortunately we only sell a die holder sized for our standard 2.36" four-way die.

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I have a 3.25” 4 way and honestly Langmuir’s pricing is so fair that it would cost me more to have a custom holder made up than to just buy theirs new with holders.


I plan on getting 32" worth of bottom 4-way dies (1-16", 2-8"). How many 4way die adapters would I need? Do I have to fully support all 32", or can I span it with a longer die? Thanks @langmuir-sam @langmuir-daniel

For a full table with a 16” 4-way die and two 8" die, we recommend using 5 holders, however that number could be adjusted to 4 or 6 depending on the intensity and distribution of your load.


Thanks for getting back to me @langmuir-sam. Is there any chance that I could order a full 33" continuous adapter?

The 4 way fits perfectly in the holder. The whole thing is very pretty. I named it Rosie after the AC/DC song. It’s a whole lot of woman :female_sign:
It’s mine so I will gender the way I see fit.


Unfortunately we wont be able to provide a continuous adapter. Using a continuous adapter would block the die slot which would prevent you from staging other dies on the table. That would prove to be pretty limiting.


No problem about the 2-3/4" holder. Your price for a 6" holder for $39.95 is very good…Thanks

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If you want to sell your 3-1/4" 4 way dies just let me know what lengths and the price. I may want to consider buying…hubert

Right now I’m selling it with my homemade press.

Are these available for sale yet? I cant find them in your Store .

You can send me an email at with your Titan25T order number and the items you are interested in getting an invoice for. We are only selling to Titan owners at the moment and are only handling sales through our customer support lines.

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See you are selling your 4 way dies in your store. When will you be selling the Die Holders in your store?

As I said earlier - we are selling them directly through our customer support line -, which is the best way to request invoices for whatever tooling you want to purchase.

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