Fireshare and firecontrol

When using someone’s file from fireshare, shouldn’t it load into firecontrol and work? I can not get a file to load and produce anything. I have WinRar as well. Any help would be appreceiated. Firecontrols break in works perfect btw.

FireShare files are typically design files, not G-Code files. The main reason for this is to allow whoever downloads the file to ‘massage’ and change the design slightly. At a minimum you’ll need some sort of CAM tool to create the G-Code files for your FireControl processor.

What cam tool would you recommend Tom?

I use SheetCam and like it. Others use the CAM feature built into Fusion360 (one stop shopping, so to speak).
It depends on what you plan to do. If you are not primarily interested in designing mechanical systems, ie downloading other designs or doing art work, then SheetCam is very easy to learn and totally useful for this application.
If you are interested in doing mechanical designs for your CrossFire yourself, you can get by with one of many 2D CAD programs, a lot of which are free, and use SheetCam as the CAM backend. If you have a goal of designing 3D parts to be machined on a Mill or CNC Mill, then Fusion360 is probably the most popular around here…

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