DONE with F360!

This just popped up in my news feed today for fusion 360 training I’m not sure how legit it is.

Fusion 360 training with certificates

@Hammer1 You might want to take a look around Product Design Online The instructor is the same fellow that Langmuir features on their site.
I became a member but later realized I could have gone through the tutorials here. I have more content available by being a member but I surely could have gotten a good start for free had I known.

I have been using Rhino for years and I love it. I used Fusion for awhile and it certainly has alot of power. For me it just comes down to enjoying the workflow more with Rhino + Sheetcam.

I recall having done some parametric work using RhinoScript if I remember right. A few years ago. In that case it was for making augers to 3D Print. I might have to try that again to see if it still works.

Ya know…for 2d design and convert to svg…inkscape works fine

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