Database of langmur owners willing to do contract work

I wish SOME company would list all of their machines out there that are owned by people willing to do contract work. I live in a decent sized city, and cant find (via social media) a single small shop that has a plasmatable or services available… (I can find large shops all day long) its maddening since I know there are thousands of tables out there.

What am I missing? why does no one do this?

Here is the closest thing you will find. Its a map started by @jamesdhatch. Trouble is with it being an open and editable document anyone can manipulate it and move other people around whether on purpose or by accident(likely). That is what has happed so it isn’t super accurate. Also, its likely not up to date.

Crossfire Owners Map - Langmuir Systems Forum


great! thanks! its at least a start!