Current fusion 360 doesnt square with langmuir videos

Try this video. This one helped get things to a point where I can use fusion.

Thank you Sir
I already have that one in my cue.

I am making slow monkey see monkey do progress. I believe I got the cutter added successfully

Something I realized while I was working with CAM / Manufacture today…I’m using a preview version of the tools library. That may be causing some issues in differences between screens. I don’t think I explicitly set this to on, but I could have…To enable (or disable) this, you go to Preferences under your user icon top right and nav to preview features…

Thank you James
My preferences are checked similar to yours

This is my next error code… it doesnt come up in google searches… but I did find it in autodesk
" invalid value-“no contour selected to machine”

The fix per autodesk is apparently this


The model geometry that defined the contour in this toolpath has a broken or missing reference. The number of “missing selections” indicates how many references are missing. This can happen if the contour geometry has been changed or deleted, or if the body has been re-patterned, re-mirrored, or deleted. This can also happen if the body has been moved to another component.


  1. Right click the toolpath in the browser and go to “edit.”
  2. In the Geometry tab, click the X next to Contour Selection to cancel out all current selections.
  3. Click on the contours you want.
  4. Click OK. The toolpath will automatically regenerate.

So far…it doesnt work and Im still unsuccessful…but…I guess Im making baby steps … the plasma cutter is at least there now

Im just about ready to make a run at Sheetcam instead… I have a number of hours into 360 and I do not seem to be making acceptable progress.

Thank you

Sheetcam is great - I use it too…depends on what I’m doing…but I like both F360 and Sheetcam. F360 has a much higher learning curve - I’m by no means an expert and still learning lots of stuff that it can do - it is has a much a greater time commitment to get proficient.

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Im still trying autocad… making babysteps… followed

langmuir to the t …I thought… got this far

Well… I decided to go back to square one…not even try to draw something on my own (yet) but to just use a posted DXF file that has been successful already… in my case I tried the 10 position air tool holder… brought it in successfully… went to process and got the below errors…
Read about them and still am stumped… I think I have everything set correctly… obviously not

My plasma is in my tool library
I set the start point… followed the directions of langmuir… line by line…

When I learned my sign program I never had all the issues Im having…