Constant issues after downloading Mach3 license

It should be clear I’m new to the CNC stuff if anyone is reading my posts, but I feel like I’m encountering things that aren’t obvious. I downloaded my license last night and thought I’d make a practice piece. It’s a heart shape with my daughter’s name in it. In fusion it all seems fine. Starts and stops are good, simulation runs. My origin is correct, etc. When loaded into Mach 3 I ran the program without the torch on…all looks well.
Run program with torch on and it decides to constantly fire the torch and ruin the part…second try and the torch only fires on the first profile and stops on all the rest, but keeps moving along the profile correctly. Third try, the federated have somehow disappeared in Mach 3 and it arbitrarily runs at 3 instead of the programmed 100. When I stopped the program the torch just stayed on and burnt s hole in the part. I haven’t changed the file or anything yet each time I run it something different happens. It makes it really hard to learn when I can’t even figure out why things are changing.
Anyone else have these issues?

Is your plasma cutter on 2t or 4t?

It’s a Razor Weld 45

I’ve changed tips, electrodes, material, feed rates, etc. I just tried to cut the part out of 19g steel and it cut the first profile and nothing else. At least it didn’t burn a hole in the part! I’m sure it’s the torch. I should have gone with my gut and gotten at hypertherm. I think this Razorweld is trash. I also have the angularity issues you had. Bought new tips from Langmuir and it doesn’t help.
I’ve spent 4 hours trying to cut this one part and haven’t gotten anywhere

It sounds like the plasma cutter is set to 4T when it shouold be set to 2T. There is a switch on the front of the machine to toggle between 2T and 4T.

This is what it looks like set to 2T. It’s the indicator that has an up & down arrow next to it in the middle of the top of the front panel. 4T is a pair of double-headed arrows.

Here’s the page in the manua (page 9)l that shows it. It’s #4 in the list & in the picture.

Thanks James. Yes, it’s in 2T. The torch shuts off like it should now when I want to stop it, but still can’t seem to cut anything past the first profile. So frustrating.

Did you define multiple toolpaths in one profile or put each toolpath in a different profile under one setup?

If you did each toolpath in a different profile then you’ll need to generate the G-code for each one and load & run them one at a time in Mach 3.

I had them all in one setup to begin with but the torch would always stay on and ruin the part. I made them each a profile and it started to work but has had a different result each time I run the program.
I just went back and did what you said with making all the parameters on one setup. It appears, however that based on the icons, the torch is going to fire once and keep going

There isn’t a red dot :red_circle: at the end of each letter profile to signify the torch shutting off between letters. I’ll run it and see but think it will do the same.

Well, that seemed to work! Wow! What a difference seeing this thing do what it’s supposed to. I’ve got a long way to go but it’s encouraging knowing it does work.
Thanks for the help everyone.


What did you end up doing to resolve the issue?

I wish I knew for sure. I’m going to run another program today that I drew up last night and see if it works again. Does internet service have anything to do with it? We had terrible winds here the other day and it knocked out power and internet to places. We had power but the internet was down most of yesterday. I made the program that was giving me issues offline.

I’ll report back on how it goes today. Thanks again for the help. Sorry I got frustrated earlier.

Internet won’t have anything to do with it as the program is downloaded and your not streaming it