Cant figure out why this one path wont generate! any ideas

so i make a bunch of metal signs with my table and have found several tips and tricks over the past year and have gotten pretty proficient with f360. However, i ran into an issue today that i cant figure out. I’ve attached a pic.

i have tried making a separate tool path for the one contour alone, changed lead ins/outs and played with a few other settings, but still cant get a toolpath to generate. any ideas?

Clear all of your selections, and then just click on the face of your model. It will auto select all of the inside cuts first, and do the outside last. I rarely ever click on edges when tool pathing for the plasma cutting.

exactly what i did, this also isnt the first model to do this to me, 2 in the past 2 days

Have you zoomed in incredibly tight in Edit Sketch to make sure there isn’t an opening/break in that loop?

Its a solid body, and he selected the face. So even if there was another sketch on top of the model with a gap, he isn’t using that sketch.

Now if you have this problem and you are only uses sketches, than it could be a open profile.

Yup that’s why I suggested it, I did that a time or two.

New to this but are all lines same color and on same plane? I know that messes with tool paths in some cad/cam programs

so not sure why it did this, but i went back to the sketch and made the inside points not so sharp and f360 created the toolpath without a hitch…

Your points can’t be smaller than the kerf or it can’t cut them so it won’t path them.

Could the outset/kerf be 0.0 and it would just follow the line and cut oversize?or will program not allow that?

That should work.

You’re right, it will cut oversize but that should be okay on that design.

While I do understand that, usually whenever I create the toolpath, you can see the blue line just won’t go deep into the point.

This time it just didn’t make a toolpath on that contour at all

Ive found tight acute angles and tool paths dont mix well. I usually zoom in tight and round them off with the 3 point arc tool. Havent had a problem since i started doing it.


Multiple things here - So when this happened to me, and it was almost exactly the same problem. I was drawing in Inkscape and then importing into Fusion 360. After HOURS of trying to figure this out I went back to Inkscape and I zoomed WAY in only to find out the vector points had breaks in them. I used a default font in Inkscape and it was NOT optimized for 2d cutting … which is a long way to say their were microscopic breaks in the vector points. Joined the points and it worked after that. This is actually a SUPER common thing with fonts apparently.

I also had a couple really strange problems where after trying EVERYTHING else I ended up doing individual cut paths for missing lines ( multiple “Setups” in the Manufacturing function in Fusion 360). This for some magical reason fixed some things for me.

Last was just a stupid mistake on my part. I some how managed to get the geometry on a different plane… and even though visually it looked like everything lined up and was in a “plane of existance” I could see once I rotated it I realized that particular cut path was somewhere in outerspace/time and only a Tardis could cut it.

Oh and I also had some like the above comments mentioned where the corner was tighter than the kerf so when I altered the corners (rounded them off a bunch). Then it worked for some other things.

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