Everlast Failed Cut First Pierce

Hey Guys,

So I am having this incomplete cut on the first pierce of every file I load up into mach3. Has anyone else run into this problem? I recently upgraded to the everlast 50s and this is when the problem started occuring. I searched around the forum but I didn’t find an answer. Thanks in advance.

How long is your pierce delay?

0.4 secs for 3/16 aluminum

I’ve noticed with my 50s that the first torch fire lags a bit. I might try to change the pierce delay in the g code for the first cut and see if that helps. Or just add some time to your delay in fusion.

If you change the pierce delay in the g code. Open your file with notepad and find the first pierce delay. This will be the something like

N20. M3 P0.4

The numbers after P is your pierce delay. Might change the first delay to 1.5-2 seconds and see if that helps.

Cool I will give this a try tomorrow thanks!

Im having the same issue with my 80s. Did you find a workaround ?

i NEVER pierce below 1 second with my everlast 50… on 1/4" steel i have it set to 2 seconds… it does lag for some reason

I have just been editing my gcode like @burgs04 said, after post processing it to give the initial pierce a longer delay, it works fine just adds and extra step.

I have also fired the torch prior to running the program, get it all setup zero it out then job out of the way a bit, fire torch then return to zero and run the program… its haxing but it works too

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